Utilizing Training Variables for Optimal Progress

One of the most common problems the average trainee runs into is training boredom. This relates to my post regarding why 3 sets of 10 stalls that you can see in the summary list at the bottom. There are so many variables available which should allow for infinite improvement but many trainees are unaware of the options. This results in progress stalling. Which quickly turns into boredom. Which unfortanetely results into trainees going to the gym less. Which finally results into a lot of trainees quitting until the New Year comes and they have another resolution to Get Fit This Year!

Below is a list of variables ranging from very basic, training 101 stuff to more advanced variables that can keep things fresh and progress moving forward. These variables primarly focus on strength and muscle building programming which do not include crossfit WODs and metabolic conditioning. MetCon type workouts can add in an entire layer of options to keep things fresh.

Increasing Weight

This is the most common and obvious variable that everyone is aware of and utilizes. They do a certain exercise for X sets at Y weight. Then the next time they workout they will bump up the weight and continue doing this for weeks. This is a fine approach, until it isn’t. At a certain point a trainee will no longer be able to hit their Y number of reps. And far too often they will just stay at a stagnant weight and do the exact same amount of work. 3 sets of 100 pounds for 10 reps per set. This goes on and on for weeks and does absolutely nothing.

Increasing Reps

This becomes the second most common variable that everyone is somewhat aware of, but might not utilize fully. People will bump up the weight and might not be able to hit their previous rep count. This is fine, and expected. Work your way up to your goal of reps, then next time increase the weight and start all over.

Utilizing Double Progression

Double Progression is really the combo of the above two items, and already described within increasing reps. The concept is incredibly simple. Always improve something on every workout. Whether that is increasing the weight from your previous workout, or doing more reps at that same weight. Always be bumping the weight, the number of sets, or the total number of reps. Very small improvements over time equate to consistent gains.

Increasing Time Under Tension

Now we get into some moderately advanced techniques. Increasing the time under tension can be achieved through a ton of variables. This can be done by slowing down the lowering of the weight, then going much faster on the way up. Time under tension can also be achieved through static holds. Time under tension can also be ramped up by doing a ton of reps in a given set, especially useful in bodyweight type exercises. At its core, you are increasing the total work time per set.

Doing the Same Work in Less Time

Now we get into some tricks that I find REALLY effective for more advanced trainees and both relate to improving through density training. One type of workout would be to identify a weight you want to perform 100 reps of, set the clock and record your time. The number of reps can be whatever you choose. Although I would avoid doing this with heavy weights, this is better geared towards weights you can do 8-20+ reps of in a single set. So setting benchmarks of 50-100 reps is a great starting point.

You setup the bench at 135, and do as many sets that it takes to get to 100 reps, and it takes you 5 minutes to complete. Your goal the next time is to beat that 5 minutes. And again, and again. At some point, likely after 4-5 workouts you will have cut down your rest as much as you can and you start over by adding 10 pounds. This is another form of double progression where you can keep things fresh forever.

Doing More Work in the Same Time

This is related to the one above, but in this case instead of fixing the reps performed at a certain weight, we fix the time. This is used in Escalating Density Training and As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) workouts. And works in the same manner as above. You start with 135 pounds on the bench press and set the clock for 8 minutes. At the 8 minute mark you record your rep count. The goal of the next workout is to beat that rep count. Similar to above, after 4-5 workouts at that weight it will be time to bump up the weight. Again, this kind of double progression can go on forever.

Dynamic Movements

Now we get into highly advanced variables such as lifting a weight as fast as you possibly can. Or using Chains or Bands. These variables are meant to increase velocity, which will help your overall power. Assuming you have also been building a baseline of strength.

High Frequency Bodyweight Training with AMRAP: Blast Upper Body

High frequency bodyweight training combined with As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) combines the most tried and true methods of strength training with an extremely easy to follow methodology.

Due to its simplicity bodyweight training does not require a ton of equipment; therefore it does not sell a ton of gym memberships or fancy personal training signups.  In fact, if a personal trainer would actually apply these methods a lot of clients would probably walk out as it seems too simple to actually work.  And that is the beauty of it; it is so F-ing simple to follow and the results are staggering. Combine these exercises with AMRAP, and you have an extremely effective muscle AND strength building program.


You identify 2-3 exercises, circuit through them for X number of rotations and that is your day's work out.  Then you rinse and repeat X days per week.  The overarching goal is to get to a certain number of reps for that workout, which add up to a goal number of reps for the week, which add up to a goal number of reps for the month.  As an example maybe you want to get to 500 pullups for the month by starting with 15 pullups day 1, add 1 each day over the course of 20 workouts in month (5 workouts per week, for 4 weeks), by the end of the month you will be doing 35 pullups in the final workout.

High Frequency?

Definitions vary, but high frequency means hitting an area 3+ times a week.  In the case of bodyweight type exercises it is more like 5 times a week as the tax your body has to pay from a single workout is not that tremendous compared to a max effort day of deadlifts, bench presses or squats.  You simply add a rep or two per exercise each day and the cumulative volume over the week forces your body to adapt.  And that is the magic formula, doing numerous sets for an amount of reps that is a challenge, but a single set is not grueling effort.  By the last set the difficulty will definitely increase but should still not be impossible.

Now go in the next day and do the SAME exact exercises, but add 1 rep to the total for each exercise for that day.  Do this 5 times a week for a one month.  

Doubts?  See Gymnasts

If you have doubts regarding this style of training being effective, take a look at gymnasts.  Especially gymnasts on the parallel bars and rings.  Gymnasts are among the athletes with the most desirable bodies from muscular and symmetry standpoint.  Gymnasts are properly proportioned with functional muscle, and of course, biceps that POP.

Gymnasts perform some accessory lifting but the meat and potatoes of a gymnast's workout program consists of actually performing the bodyweight exercises.  Muscle ups and handstands are a couple of the most difficult exercises to perform; these are exercises that I would doubt most bodybuilders or powerlifters could even execute.  Gymnasts do these exercises by the 1000s per week.

Getting stronger and looking better are almost always the primary goals of training.  And if girls want to lose fat the BEST way is by getting stronger.  If you pattern your goals around a type of athlete who would you rather look like?  

An impossibly strong Powerlifter who has amazing max lifts but is very bulky and possibly has a lot of noticeable body fat?  A marathoner who can run very long distances and has a great cardiovascular capacity, but no muscle tone whatsoever?

Not many people would seek either of these types of bodies for themselves yet too many people train in either of these manners.  Too many people either lift WAY too heavy, all the time.  Or too many people in an effort to lose weight do countless hours of cardio which rips away as much muscle, or more, than fat.


AMRAP workouts are a great mix in at any point in an individual workout, or overall program.  AMRAPs get a lot of pub via Crossfit but they have been around forever as a technique to pump in a ton of work in a short amount of time.  This cranks up the density of your training as you will pound a specific movement for X amount of minutes.


It can be any lift. If you really want a complete workout, I suggest choosing compound exercises (Pull Ups with Dips). You set a timer, do a bunch of reps, then do it again and beat that total.


The first time you do an AMRAP exercise, count your reps for that set amount of minutes.  Next time you do this lift, try to break that rep count in the same amount of time.  Thats it.  The rest time should be very short, nothing over 20 seconds unless you are going really heavy.  This is the secret sauce that makes it work.


If forces you to compete with yourself to knock out extra reps than you normally would in say a 3 or 4 set approach.  When you continue to add reps in the same timeframe you are forcing UP your workload and your body must adapt, by building muscle and strength.  Lets say you row 100 LBs for 4 sets of 10, with a 1 minute rest between sets, where you hit 10, 10, 8 and 7 on those four sets.  Attempting an AMRAP on that same weight you would probably get something like 10, 5, 3, 3, 3 ,3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1 ,1 ,1, 1. before 4 minutes are up.  Which would equate to 40 or so reps, vs the 35 reps you hit with the conventional method.  Now next week you try to hit 42 and so on.  After to get to a target, such as 50, bump up the weight.

I am a big fan of this approach, but don't overuse it.  I would recommend only using it on 1 exercise per training session as it can wipe you out a bit if you overapply it.   I also like it a ton for fellow wheelchair lifters since we can get setup on one exercise and bang this out without changing weights 3-4 different times.  Load up, rep out, go home.

Closed Chain Rules

The last piece of this is the bodyweight exercises which should really be its own post.  For the upper body there are few exercises that are more effective than Pull Ups, Dips and Pushups.  And if you can do Handstand pushups against a wall, you are set!  These are all closed chain exercises which are MUCH more effective as the body was designed to do these.

A closed chain exercise can be explained as follows:

  1. In a Pulling scenario when doing a pullup we are pulling our body to something.

  2. In a Pushing scenario when doing a pushup we are pushing our body away from something.

This is why a Pullup is a MUCH more effective exercise than a lat pull down.  This is why a pushup is more effective than a bench press.  One negative with pullups and pushups is there is a challenge to adding a lot of weight.  We can add some but adding enough weight for a 1 rep max on a push up would be difficult which is why bench presses, rows, etc. are needed as well.



High frequency bodyweight training can be highly effective due to the cumulative effect it has on the body.  By doing A LOT of pullups, pushups or dips your body is forced to adapt.  And pullups dips and pushups work because close chain exercises are AWESOME. Combine this with AMRAP programming and you have an extremely simple yet effective program.


AMRAP Workouts

AMRAP - As Many Reps As Possible

AMRAP workouts are a great mix in at any point in an individual workout, or overall program.  AMRAPs get a lot of pub via Crossfit but they have been around forever as a technique to pump in a ton of work in a short amount of time.  This cranks up the density of your training as you will pound a specific movement for X amount of minutes.

How to AMRAP

For wheelchair lifters I prefer to AMRAP on lifts you have to do with a single arm.  I use them most often on 1 arm barbell rows where I am lying face down on a bench.  I will do my right arm for X amount of minutes at Y weight.  Then I switch to the left arm.  Really F-ing simple, which is usually the case for things that actually work in a gym. 

AMRAP Progression

The first time you do an AMRAP exercise, count your reps for that set amount of minutes.  Next time you do this lift, try to break that rep count in the same amount of time.  Thats it.  The rest time should be very short, nothing over 20 seconds unless you are going really heavy.  This is the secret sauce that makes it work.

Why AMRAP Works

If forces you to compete with yourself to knock out extra reps than you normally would in say a 3 or 4 set approach.  When you continue to add reps in the same timeframe you are forcing UP your workload and your body must adapt, by building muscle and strength.  Lets say you row 100 LBs for 4 sets of 10, with a 1 minute rest between sets, where you hit 10, 10, 8 and 7 on those four sets.  Attempting an AMRAP on that same weight you would probably get something like 10, 5, 3, 3, 3 ,3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1 ,1 ,1, 1. before 4 minutes are up.  Which would equate to 40 or so reps, vs the 35 reps you hit with the conventional method.  Now next week you try to hit 42 and so on.  After to get to a target, such as 50, bump up the weight.

I am a big fan of this approach, but don't overuse it.  I would recommend only using it on 1 exercise per training session as it can wipe you out a bit if you overapply it.   I also like it a ton for fellow wheelchair lifters since we can get setup on one exercise and bang this out without changing weights 3-4 different times.  Load up, rep out, go home.